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The Faculty of Nursing and Public Health has registered to Research4Life for free access to peer-reviewed international scientific journals, books and databases.
What is Research4Life?
Research4Life (R4L) is the collective name for five programmes – Hinari (Research in Health), AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture), OARE (Online Access to Research in the Environment), ARDI (Access to Research for Development and Innovation) and GOALI (Global Online Access to Legal Information) that provide developing countries with free or low-cost access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content online.
Accessing R4L resources:
To access Research4Life resources you will need Faculty Login Credentials. Please ask for the Login Credentials from the Library Circulation Desk.
The following is a step-by-step guide to Login and access Research4Life programmes
- Go to the Research4Life website research4life.org and click LOGIN
- Enter the Faculty’s Username and Password and Login to the Research4Life programmes by Clicking Login
Note: If you do not LOGIN to Research4Life programmes, you will not get access to the most of the full text articles, e-books and other resources - All the five programmes of Research4Life are listed here. Click on one of the logos (Eg. Hinari) to open the programme.
The FNPH faculty and students can choose Hinari (Research in Health) for your information needs. You can also Login to any of the other programmes by returning to this page. To open another programme, click on the specific logo. - Once logged-in, you will be taken into the Access the Content sub-page of the website.
- For locating articles by title or keyword searches to articles and ebooks, the Search inside Hinari full-text using Summon or Country specific search should be used.
- Journals and books can be accessed by title from an alphabetical list. There is also a View complete list of journals or books option.
- Click on the tab Subject and Publisher to find journals and books by Subject and Publisher.
- From the content page, you also can open the Databases for discovery, Reference sources and Free collections list. You are recommended to use Databases for discovery to browse subject-specific database for your information needs.