Davis, Heather.

Advanced life support skills. - Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. - xii, 225 p. : ill. : 28 cm.

This highly visual manual guides readers through over 30 practical skills in detail. Step-by-step procedures are shown in full-color and are accompanied by rationales. In addition, each skill includes Key Terms, Objectives, Introduction, Equipment, Assessment, Overview, Problem Solving, Ongoing Assessment, Geriatric/Pediatric Notes, and Case Studies. This accessible, easy-to-follow format helps readers understand what, how, and why each skill is performed and is perfect for initial or refresher training
From inside the book

0130938742 9780130938749

Emergency medicine.
Emergency medical technicians.
Life support systems (Critical care)
Emergency Treatment
Emergency Medical Technicians.

WB 105 DA 2007