Perry, Shannon E.

Maternal child nursing care. - Canada : Book Aid International, 2014. - xxxii, 1690 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

Includes index

Written by the foremost experts in maternity and pediatric nursing, Maternal Child Nursing Care, 5th Edition offers the accurate, practical information you need to succeed in the classroom, the clinical setting, and on the NCLEX® examination. This new edition offers numerous content updates throughout the text to keep you up-to-date on the latest topics and best practices. Plus hundreds of illustrations, alert boxes, and tables clarify key content and help you quickly find essential information.

Atraumatic Care boxes in the pediatric unit teach you how to provide competent and effective care to pediatric patients with the least amount of physical or psychological stress.Community Focus boxes emphasize community issues, supply resources and guidance, and illustrate nursing care in a variety of settings.Critical thinking case studies offer opportunities to test and develop your analytical skills and apply knowledge in various settings. Emergency boxes in the maternity unit guide you through step-by-step emergency procedures. Expert authors of the market-leading maternity and pediatric nursing textbooks combine to ensure delivery of the most accurate, up-to-date content. Family-Centered Care boxes highlight the needs or concerns of families that you should consider to provide family-centered care.


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