Pairma, Sally., Pincombe, Jan., Thorogood, Carol., Tracy, Sally.

Midwifery: preparation for practice. - Australia : Elsevier, 2006. - xv, 878 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.

Midwifery: Preparation for Practice is the first text of its kind in Australia and New Zealand and places the woman and midwife at the centre of midwifery care. The approach is in line with the philosophy, education and practice standards set by the Australian College of Midwives and the New Zealand College of Midwives. Written by experienced and respected midwives from both countries, this highly illustrated book provides a sound foundation on which to base midwifery practice while reflecting today's socio-political contexts.

Develops and supports competent and confident midwives who are able to make professional judgements - in partnership with women - on their own authority.
Pedagogically rich chapters with chapter overviews, learning outcomes, key terms, clinical interest boxes, reflective and critical thinking questions, context-specific boxes, research and critical appraisal activities, plentiful diagrams and illustrations, summary boxes and questions for review, references, further reading lists and online resources.
A unique emphasis on a woman-centred approach, which emphasises the normal, physiologicial life event that is child-birth, that is, birth without unnecessary intervention.
Equips midwives to work autonomously within the full scope of midwifery practice, and collaboratively with other health professionals.


Maternity nursing

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